We streamline the access to professional investors

Our mission is to help asset and fund managers distribute and promote their financial products to our community of professional investors

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CHF +45Bn AuM

A strong community of +70
professionnal investors

Circa +2

New members per week


Our private events gather on average +40 professional investors

Benefit from the Smat customized  Services


Smat events: exclusive event during which you can present your investment opportunity to 5 to 10 selected wealth managers.

Sphere and Smat events: private market breakfasts co-organized with our media partner, Sphere, during which you can present your investment opportunity to more than 50 wealth managers.

Third-Party Marketing

Dedicated Sales Team: experienced marketing team to boost distribution capabilities and accelerate penetration into the Swiss Market. Our TPM-as -a-service offer includes:

Definition of a customized Sales Strategy

1-month intensive marketing period

Weekly progress reporting

External due dilligence process

Due diligence process carried out by our strategic partner, Grant Thornton, with 3 different levels (simplified, standard and enhanced). It includes the review and analysis of information provided by the distributors in order to facilitate the sale and promotion process

Smat offer for distributors

Distribute your investment opportunities to our community according to your own strategies



CHF 1,500 
+ CHF 500 per month

Recommended for distributors who wish to exhibit their products and have them reviewed by our experts.

Review of your product by our investment committee composed of subject matter experts.
Listing on the platform and notification to our +70 wealth managers’ community by emails and push notification.
Weekly report with the main aggregated data on your product.
Select plan


CHF 6,000 
per month + a success fee

Recommended for distributors who need the expertise of a seasoned marketing professional team to leverage their distribution capabilities and accelerate their penetration into the Swiss market more efficiently.

Dedicated Sales Team to define a customized sales strategy.
Strong marketing campaign during a 1-month period.
Weekly reporting.
Select plan

Looking for even more exposure?

Consider participating in our events to get a broader audience for your deals


Recommended for asset managers who wish to exhibit their products and have the opportunity to pitch at a private event organized by Smat (+10 wealth managers)



For asset managers who want more exposure and have the opportunity to pitch at private market breakfast co-organized by Sphere and  Smat (+50 wealth managers)


Not sure which plan is better for you?